Les Trompettes de Lyon

In an effort to feature the best trumpet playing in the world, please put your hands together for Les Trompettes de Lyon! Les Trompettes de Lyon is not just your average brass group…but more a stage show that is unabashedly entertaining and humorous. These musicians have progressively let their taste…

Mnozil Brass

…continuing in our quest to feature brass performers who might have slipped past our readers, we are now featuring one of the most out of control and brilliant ensembles “Mnozil Brass” (a brass septet from Austria, which is representing the elite of world brass scene).    

A Former Student of Ours- James Linahon

Sometimes a teacher is lucky enough to have known students who eventually excel in music and this fine gentleman is certainly a fine example of one of our success stories. Although Jim never studied trumpet with me, I was fortunate enough to have had him in my classes and was…

Join HI-YR-BY-A-THIRD today! Lesson 4

From comments being sent in, most players have seen an improvement in their range. In fact most have been able to reach or surpass the goal of one third. To those who have stuck with the program, congratulations and because of the success, you are all on your own now.…

Please welcome Victor Haskins

When I first listened to Mr. Haskins play, I was instantly reminded of the great rock guitar player Jimi Hendrix. You might wonder what the two musicians could have in common. Both musicians impressed me as being able to instantly move from mental creation to artistic technique. Both players, even…

The Hoffman Brass Ensemble

Music and the Internet are two elements which have worked well together for through the marvel of science, we are able to share performances with likeminded musicians throughout the world Such is the case here where a good friend from Australia has allowed us to attend, if only second handedly,…