Has Your Faithful Blogster Turned To The Dark Side?

Before any ugly rumors begin to start circulating around the Blogaspher, I need to make a confession to my readers……I own, and currently playing a TROMBONE! (Thunderous gasps of disbelief were heard throughout the galaxy). Yes, it is true that for Christmas my loving wife gave me my Christmas request,…

The Best Brass Series

I have often read “This product is the best in the world”, and my first thought would be, “How do you know it’s the best in the world”? And I’m sure you have had the same reaction. How could anything be judged the best in the world? Continue reading and…

Just Some Random Thoughts!

Can you cry under water? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Why do you have to “put your two cents in”.. but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts”? Where’s that extra penny going to? Once you’re in heaven,…

See What Your Tonguing Looks Like

Often we are told to listen to our sounds and evaluate our progress. As I demonstrated on an earlier post we were able to see what our tone looks like through recording software. The same is true when trying to improve other areas of our playing, and in this case…

Remembering Sandy Hook Elementary School

From time to time we have experienced joyous occasions where I felt the need to write something to commemorate the occasion such as the Royal Wedding. Other times I have felt the need to write for less festive occasions such as the National Anthem of Haiti. With mixed emotions this…

A Different Approach to Breathing

We have spent a great deal of time reviewing the Claude Gordan Systematic Approach to Daily practice and from your responses; many have found benefit, including myself. Now I would like to feature another approach to playing in the upper register, and as you will see, it suggests a completely…

Is Patriotism Growing In Our Country?

More and more trumpet players are starting to share their instrumental voice in honor of our country. Why this trend is increasing, who can say, but it is my wish that even more players begin to add their musical voices to the cause. For more information on this phenomenon, check…