Trumpet – Brass or Silver Finish?

Should I get a silver or brass finish on my trumpet? This decision is not the same as deciding on a color for your new car. Color and finish are two different issues when deciding on the surface of your new trumpet. Many people decide on the silver because it…

Musician’s Eye Chart

While visiting my doctor today, I noticed the eye chart hanging on his wall and decided to modify it for our use. I hope you  all can read it and for all you jazzers out there, just add a lowered 5th and raised 9th and you will be fine.

“One way” to Clean Your Trumpet

In the preceding post, I featured what I considered to be one of the worst instructional videos I had viewed. This can be very risky but, as one of advanced age, I felt my duty to expose this atrocity. Some times such actions can turn around and bite you on…

The Worst Instructional Video On The Internet

Continuing in my limited series of disturbing videos I have selected this gem. YouTube has an ever increasing library of self help videos which strive to inform our world on various subjects. Many of these are very helpful and in some cases, they can be very destructive as in the…

How I Practice- Playing Etudes

I try to allot time each day for playing new material and because of the unlimited amount of etudes available today, we will never need to be without material. The internet is one source of quality etude material and no one can use the excuse that they can’t afford to…

How I practice- The Warm-up

The importance of warming up before hard playing cannot be over stated. Just as an athlete stretches, a ball player throws easy at first; the trumpet player is very similar in that a sudden blast of a high note may work for some but the more intelligent of the masses…

How And What I Practice

I have had a few readers ask what they need to practice to be a better player. Without hearing or visiting with these people, it would be impossible to suggesting what might work best for them. The best I can do is to share a typical hour practice session which…