Why did the Cornet become a second rate citizen?

First I need to apologize to the uninitiated followers of trumpet history. This will not be an entertaining document. This might be boring to the casual reader but for the rest of us who are deeply interested in how our trumpet/cornet history has been developing, I think this is worth…

Perfect Pitch – Is it possible?

The terms “perfect pitch” or “absolute pitch” are well know to most musicians and are looked upon as great attributes possessed by only a select few. In reality, “it isn’t all that great”! As a member of this so called select few, I can speak from experience that, although at…

Personal Embouchure Training Device Review

The concept promoted by the Personal Embouchure Training Exerciser is not new for we have known of the basic concept for a long time. This exercise was first shared with me by an old circus cornet player many years ago. Years later it was shared again when I played under Merle…

Select Your Practice Room Carefully

Where do you do most of your practicing? Is it in a band room? Do you slave away every day in a practice room? Is most of your time practicing spent in a small room, a big room, a room with drapes and heavy carpet? Where you practice regularly will…

Why Doesn’t The Air Go Out My Nose?

I have been asked through the years, “Why, when I play a note on a brass instrument, doesn’t the air come out my nose”€? Rather than explain the function of the flexible pallet, it is much easier to use an visual illustration and for that reason, please view the following…

Winner(s) of video question, Why Does This Happen?

Thanks to all who participated in this thought provoking exercise. At last count, we had approximately fifty entries, and over 2,000 downloads concerning this question. Some of your answers were very close and some were way off. I have listed two who will be receiving “free” arrangements of their choice…

Inside The World Of A Cup Mouthpiece

In our never ending quest for scientifically proof of what goes on in our trumpet playing world, we find yet another bit of information to confuse and delight our readers. Here is a video showing what actually happens in the cup of a trumpet mouthpiece as it is being played.…