Welcome to the Generations Brass!

I happened to run across this wonderful performance of one of my arrangements on Youtube today and wanted to share it with you. Thanks for your support “Generations Brass” and a free arrangement will be coming your way. Please send me your E Mail address and I will get it…

Becoming a More Musical Performer Part 3

The Construction of Musical Phrases A musical phrase is similar to a sentence in a story. Both are part of a larger whole and is important in effectively telling of the story. By themselves, each will have little impact but when combined with other sentences or musical phrases, the story…

Becoming A More Musical Performer- Part 1

Dynamics vs. Intensity Have you ever wondered why some musicians are more interesting to listen to than others? Have you wanted to learn the secret to true musical expression? Both of these questions should be asked from time to time as we practice our art. Playing music and playing music…