Preparing for a Show Chapter 3 (marking your music)

The Importance of Marking Your Music. Now that you understand the music and checked for any calls for mutes, the next step is to start rehearsals. Most of the time the director is reasonable and understanding during the first couple scheduled rehearsals and everyone learns their responsibilities for the show.…

Don’s Dictionary of Delirious Dictum

24/7: The time signature of the national anthem of India. Agent: A character how resents performers getting 90% of his salary. Ballet: An art form for people with eating disorders. Bandstand: The area furthest away from an outlet. Big Band: Currently referring to an aggregation of two musicians. Cabaret: A…

Brass Articulation- Triple Tonguing

From the material you have practiced in the preceding post (Double Tonguing) you should have an understanding of the use of multiple articulations. The next level will be using the Tah and Dah attack along with an additional Tah attack. This Tah Tah Kah articulation is called triple tonguing and…

Brass Articulation- Double Tonguing

Double tonguing was developed to increase the speed at which a player could re-articulate a series of notes. From the time of Arban to the performances of Herbert L. Clark the technique was practiced and improved to the point where these musicians were able to accomplish fantastic performances of extremely…