What Are Orchestral Excerpts and Where Can I Get Some?

Sections of major orchestral works which are written for a particular instrument are called excerpts. When performing a major piece in an orchestra, you may have to count measures rest for many minutes and eventually get to the “meat” of the part far down the road. These short, yet vitally important fragments of a composition can be extracted for easier viewing and practicing and this collection is call an Orchestral Excerpt Book. A very helpful post on the Internet can be found at this location.. Orchestral Excerpts for Trumpet Not only are you able to print off the musical example,…

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How To Form Your Own Trumpet Ensemble

The first question might be, “Why would you want to form your own trumpet ensemble”? That is a great question and some days I wonder myself. But with all the work and time spent on the ensemble, I still enjoy the group. Our quartet, the Branson Trumpet Ensemble, has been performing for over eight years and the enjoyment and excitement is still there. Fortunately I am working with three great players and the time we spend rehearsing and performing is one of the most enjoyable activities I have had while living in Branson, other than a few very big bass…


How could three horrifying tragedies befall one city within such a short period? Fifty lives were taken by a deranged gunman, an innocent child taken from his parents and a talented young girl senselessly gunned down in the same city. We may never understand why the innocent are taken as evil continues to grow in our world. “Death and sorrow stains the earth where joy and bliss once stood. These lives are gone for reasons known to only One, who could. The more we see deaths shadow form across our land each day, the more we feel the loss of…

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Welcome to the Generations Brass!

I happened to run across this wonderful performance of one of my arrangements on Youtube today and wanted to share it with you. Thanks for your support “Generations Brass” and a free arrangement will be coming your way. Please send me your E Mail address and I will get it off to you.

The Most Important 24 Notes You May Ever Play

As most of you know, Branson is possibly the most dedicated city in the nation to honor of our service men and women. This week has been designated as Veterans Week and every store, show and business has welcomed thousands of our veterans to Branson to give recognition for their dedication to the protection of our country. This evening I have the privilege of performing Taps at the formal Marine Corps. dinner and in their honor and for that reason, I thought it would be appropriate to dedicate this post to the preparation going into this performance. The history- The…

Free Trumpet Sheet Music- “La Marseillaise 11/13/15”- Brass Quartet

Free Trumpet Sheet Music- “La Marseillaise 11/13/15”- Brass Quartet La Marseillaise- Score La Marseillaise- Trombone 1 La Marseillaise- Trombone 2 La Marseillaise- Trumpet 1 La Marseillaise- Trumpet 2 In respect to the people who lost so much on 11/13/15. We will continue to offer these free arrangements and ask only that you visit our Facebook page listed below and mark “Like” if you are so inclined. http://www.facebook.com/thetrumpetblog _________________ http://www.facebook.com/thetrumpetblog http://www.trumpetensemblemusic.com/ http://www.thetrumpetblog.com/ http://www.trumpetlessonsonline.com/

Sheet Music for Trumpet- Free

Budgets are tight and still we need material to practice. I have been searching the Internet for some time and have collected a large source of sites which offer free music for the trumpet. Some are good and most are a waist of time. I have selected my top thirteen sources for free music written for, or adaptable for trumpet use. If, after reading this post you have additional sites to suggest, please send your information to me and I will update my listings on a later post. These listings are from the best to the less valuable, indicated with…

Be Careful What You Ask For!

In our last post I invited comments on the subject “Why Brass at Christmas Time” and I did get a question. But it wasn’t what I expected. I thought I would have comments such as “What’s so bad about woodwind quartets”? or “You’re an idiot”, you know the usual responses. What I recieved was something quite different. The question- “What are you most popular arrangements”? As with most comments, I will respond as best I can. My top 20 most popular brass arrangements during the Christmas season are the following starting with the most popular. 1. Mary Did You Know-…

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I ran into an old friend today….

While rummaging through my files today, I discovered a long lost friend from my past… The name of my old friend was Vassily Brandt “Etudes for Trumpet (Orchestra Etudes and Last Etudes), Edited by William Vacchiano. Not only are these excellent exercises to learn some of the most recognized orchestral excerpts, but when you get back to the “Last Etudes” section, hold on to your eyeballs for this had to be written by the most vicious practitioner of the instrument. Just when you get used to a pattern, he changes directions and you fingers feel as if they were bent…

Practice Plan #1- Part 2

Lip Flexibility and Fingers This is the second of two posts which outline exercises written to be used for a suggested practice schedule. This not an all inclusive program but if you are searching for a multiple vitamin type of package, this should work. I will be posting a second program at a later date which will be written for the more advanced player. Be sure to follow the rests as well as the suggested dynamics and tempi in this section as you did in the first. Download exercises here Practice Plan #1 Part 2