Why do trumpet players need an Amplifier?

Well, not all trumpet players really have to have an amp for our chosen instrument has all the power we need. Or does it? Have you ever played with a rock band? In most cases the band has a sufficient sound system but some times we are forgotten and need to boost our volume a little to be heard over the screaming guitars and drums. Another use of an amp is something I ran into recently when I started playing harmonica in a Blue Grass band. Yes I said a Blue Grass Band. At my age, I am very interested…

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Now Here Is A Great Idea!

One of my very good friends is Jen Houck and when she sent me this picture of her new trumpet bathtub, I ask her to share her experience with our readers. Please give it up for a great trumpet player and good friend Jen Houck “I have been following Bruce’s Trumpet Blog posts for quite a while now and have really learned a lot of very useful information here. I am an “older” come-back trumpet player always on the lookout for ideas to make my life a bit easier. Recently he posted a video on how to correctly clean your…

The OcToBrass Range Builder

They Say “If you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it”. So…..I’ve tried it, now I’ll knock it. A friend of mine asked me to try his new OcToBrass Range Builder and let him know what I thought of it. I will first list the claims its inventor advertises and give you my view of this revolutionary instrument which will do all things and solve all problems. Well, where do I start? “OcToBrass Range Builder TM is a new compact buzzing and practice instrument”. This toy has been around for a couple years and to describe it as a toy would…

Flow Studies by Vincent Cichowicz

Seldom do we have the opportunity to have student’s insight shared in the teaching method of a world class trumpet teacher. When this interview was brought to my attention, I wanted to share it with you. For those of you who did not have the privilege of visiting with Mr. Cichowicz, I have included a small amount of background about this wonderful teacher. Although I had the occasion to spend some time with this him, I did not study with him. Many of my friends did and the comments given in this interview reflect the same respect that all of…

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Best light for your stand

We all from time to time need a little help when the stage is dark or our eyes have faded through the years. I recently came across this little wonder that has completely sold me and for that reason I have purchased four units for our Robson Chamber Ensemble. Some of the outstanding features are as follows- Rechargeable through the included USB cable Extended life on each charge Three levels of brightness Heavy duty clip for a secure connection to any stand Very flexible arm for easy positioning More than enough brightness for any situation Small enough to fit in…

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Bent Mouthpieces- Good or Bad? Part 1

This past week the advantages and disadvantages of a bent mouthpiece surfaced again. To those of you who may not be familiar with the term “bent mouthpiece”, let me explain. Many years ago in a far off land lived a very good trumpet player who wanted to play in a local band. When attending his first rehearsal, the conductor recommended to him that he should play with his bell above the stand so that he could be better heard. Knowing that his existence in this fine ensemble was in jeopardy if he did not comply, the young man obliged by…

Which Flugel Horn Is The Best?

While trying to complete my coverage of the flugel horn, I decided to see what typical trumpet/flugel horn players say about the many instruments available on the market today. I have included only the material found on one site in a span of two weeks- “The Yamaha Flugels are great all around flugels”. …”the Adams line. I truly believe they are making hands down the best flugelhorns and also the most diverse flugelhorns in the world”. “I play quite a bit of flugel and I sold my Couesnon when I got the V1 (Conn). I also played as many other…

High Range Methods- Traditional

I will group the “Old School” approach to improving high range as any method using traditional methods which would include improvement one half-step at a time over a period with constant repetition. The highest note in the entire Arban Method is only a high C. Did you ever wonder why this appened.? Why was such a popular and authoritative work so limiting in the upper register? I’m not sure anyone would have the real reason for many factors affected the material at that period of time. It is interesting to read the review of  Arban’s material when he submitted it…

High Range Methods- Pedal Tones

The use of pedal tones is like eating Chinese food; you either love it or hate it. I’m not sure who should be given credit for the use of pedal tones but my guess would be that it had something to do with playing the Circus. If you have ever played the circus, and I am speaking of the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circus, you know what I am talking about. I’m sure that there are trumpet players around who enjoyed the experience and I am also confident that those players also enjoy have a root canal done on…

High Range Trumpet Methods- Introduction

One of the most asked questions from students is this, “How can I learn to play high notes?” Seldom do players ask how they can improve their tone, endurance or any of the equally important areas of development. While giving clinics both with the faculty brass quintet as well as individual clinics, I have often been asked, “How high can you play?” My answer to that question was usually “I can play one note higher than I am asked to play”. Although they seldom understood what I meant by the statement, my response did answer the question. I have never…