Another Great Loss To The Trumpet World

We have lost a friend some younger trumpet players may not know or even recognize his name, Robert E. Nagel. To the older players, his work with the New York Brass quintet was the start of brass chamber music as we know it today. The trumpet work of Robert Nagel and Allan J. Dean was an inspiration to all of us at that time and we will forever be indebted to their perseverance and musicianship. I’m sure many of us have our favorite story about this gentile, soft spoken man but mine will forever be etched in my memory. Many…

Simplifying the Trumpet Embouchure- Part 1 Embouchure Muscle Involved When Playing Trumpet

In order to establish which facial muscles are used during trumpet playing, we need to understand that working muscles generate heat; and temperature studies done by two authorities in this area from Vienna, Austria- Dr.Matthias Bertsch (University for Music and Performing Art) and Dr. Thomas Maca (Department of Medical Angiology (AKH), will aid in our understanding of this topic. I will be quoting from their paper “Visualization of Trumpet Players’ Warm Up by Infrared Thermography” throughout this post. Notice in this thermograph the increase in temperature as illustrated by the color red. This increase in temperature represents an increase in…

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Simplifying the Trumpet Embouchure- Introduction

Now this should be interesting if not challenging! For many years I have been interested in the workings of the embouchure as it functions while playing a brass instrument. I have studied with some very fine teachers through the years and I can sum up everything I learned in about one page single spaced. We all know a few terms which we choose to share just at the right time to make us sound intelligent but after those few words are shared, we run out of anything of importance and then hide in the background of the conversation again. What…

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