Generation Esmeralda featuring Jimmy Goings

From time to time I run across a musician or a band that I think should have extra recognition and today’s post features one such group. Information taken from their Web Site. Generation Esmeralda featuring Jimmy Goings is the current incarnation of the group Santa Esmeralda featuring Jimmy Goings. The group has come together through the urging of trumpet player, Tom Poole, from the original “Santa Esmeralda Touring Band” and Brazilian promoter, Sergio Lopes. Goings returns to the stage and touring in this new form as an exclusive tribute to the music and spirit of “Santa Esmeralda”. “GENERATION ESMERALDA FEATURING…

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Learn to Bag IT!

In an earlier post, (The Perfect “Free” Mute Bag) I mentioned the benefits of a beautiful bag which could be used to protect your metal mutes. The bag comes from Crown Royal & Company and can be secured free of charge from anyone involved with the sale or distribution of this fine product. Today, I made use of the same bag to solve a situation in a show which required a very somber trumpet rendition of the Marines Hymn. At a very sad and sensitive scene in the show, the trumpet has an almost unaccompanied solo playing the familiar service…

Another Update from The Dark Side

I need to again give my readers an update as to the values of playing on a trombone mouthpiece at the end of each day. If you are reading this information for the first time on the value of trombone mouthpiece playing as a benefit to trumpet playing, I will quickly fill you in. In my first post on this topic (Has Your Faithful Blogster Turned To The Dark Side) I was interested in the value, if any of finishing the day by playing on a trombone mouthpiece to quickly relax the trumpet embouchure. My second post (Update From The…

Which is the Best Trumpet Stand?

Eventually all trumpet player will be faced with the realization that they need a trumpet stand. Whether its use will be in the practice room, the recording studio or the recital stage, the need for a stand will have to be faced. Fortunately the cost will not be too expensive. Most stands range from fifteen to thirty dollars. When trying to decide on which one to purchase, several issues should be considered. Stability-The most important issue will be stability. Will your instrument be safe when placed on the trumpet stand?  I would not consider any stand that has less than…

RainX For Problem Valves

Some time in every trumpet players life they will run into valves which do not function as they should. They may go down but at times will not come back up. Here is a solution to the problem which I have tried and most recently been reminded. I’m starting to play a new show in Branson and I decided last week to switch to a different trumpet than I have been currently using. For our Branson Trumpet Ensemble concerts, I prefer my Bobby Shew horn but decided to get a little more edge for the new show and brought out…

Till Brönner – Absolutely Brilliant!

The name Till Brönner might not be on every trumpet players list of great jazz musicians, but it should. The first time I listened to this gifted musician, I was amazed by the deep background of his styling. Many times I thought I was listening to Miles, other times I heard Chet Baker and still others, Dizzy. For such diversity to be bound up into one performer as young as Mr. Bonner is a true gift. To describe his effortless playing I am reminded of one of my all-time favorite musicians Jimmy Hendrix. What Hendrix was able to do so…

Do You Ever Get Tired of Practicing?

In order to answer this question, we must first ask an even more basic question. Why do we practice? This has an easy answer for most of us want to improve and we know that this is possible only through regular practice. If this is true, then why do we get tired of doing what helps us to become better musicians? Being older than dust has made me aware of many important truths in life and one is the fact that I want to play well for myself as well as for those listening to me perform. I have proven to…

Tracks Or No Tracks? That Is A Question

Have you ever been to a live show and wondered if the music was actually live or were you listening to a recording and the musicians were only pretending to play? I am constantly asked this question and it brings up a very heated discussion each time. Lip sinking and the use of prerecorded tracks have been discussed for many years. The first time I was exposed to the practice was many years ago while playing a Holiday On Ice show. The band was doing what bands do and the leader bent down to ask if we needed a break.…

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Arban Trumpet Method – What is it?

Joseph Jean Baptist Laurent Arban (28 February 1825 – 9 April 1889) was a cornetist, conductor, pedagogue and the first famed virtuoso of the cornet à piston or valved cornet. He was influenced by Niccolò Paganini’s virtuosic technique on the violin and in an (arguably successful) attempt to “prove” the cornet as a true solo instrument, developed extreme virtuosic technique on the instrument.Born in Lyon, France, he studied trumpet with Francois Dauverné at the Paris Conservatoire from 1841 to 1845. He was appointed professor of saxhorn at the École Militaire in 1857, and became professor of cornet at the Paris…