A Breathing Lesson With Don “Jake” Jacoby

Voices from the past bring back wonderful recollections of people who have influenced our lives and for that reason I have posted this lecture given by one of my former trumpet teachers, Don Jacoby. The tone and mannerisms in this recording make it almost as if “Jake” were actually in the room. Only people who knew this very gifted player and teacher can really know what this recording can do to a person’s past memories. For those who knew Mr. Jacoby, enjoy remembering those good times and for those who never had the pleasure of meeting him, enjoy his lesson…

75th Anniversary of Jazz at University of North Texas- And We Were There

Being with my kids at jazz festivals is nothing new for the Chidester family. All three of our children have been involved with jazz their whole lives. Each has competed in high school as well as college and most of my life has been spent directing ensembles on stage and in contests as well. Some programs are more remembered than others as the photo above illustrates. Not only was our oldest son Scott, performing on the same stage as his old man but was representing the rhythm section on drums with a different band than I was in. As you…

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Ernest Williams- The Unsung Hero of the Cornet

Even though some readers may not be familiar with the name Ernest Williams, his contribution to the trumpet/cornet world should be recognized. The following material was taken from Wikipedia in order to illustrate Mr. Williams contributions to our instrumental world. “A native of Wayne County, Indiana, Ernest Williams’ musical career began in 1898 as a volunteer in the 158th Regiment of the Indiana Volunteer Infantry when he served as cornet soloist during the Spanish–American War. His talents as a performer were highly regarded and, after successfully substituting as bandmaster in his regiment, Williams was chosen to lead the 161st Indiana Regiment,…

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11/14/2021  thetrumpetblog.com declares “Official Mouthpiece Cleaning Day”

Why you might ask is today the “Official Mouthpiece Cleaning Day” It’s because I declared it and it happened to be the day I needed to clean my mouthpieces……. So, be sure to do the following to insure that your mouthpiece is as clean as it should be. It is possible to play with a dirty mouthpiece as demonstrated by one of my outstanding teachers- When I got a call from Don Jacoby to sub for him on a gig in a local club I naturally said yes. When I got to the club, I had some extra time and because “Jake’s”…

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Biden removes Lee Greenwood from National Endowment for the Arts

President Joe Biden on Wednesday removed country music singer/songwriter Lee Greenwood from the National Endowment for the Arts. Greenwood was first appointed by President George W Bush in 2008. Greenwood was reappointed to six-year terms by both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J Trump. “You know, it’s a six-year appointment and I was appointed by George W. Bush 43,” Greenwood told Fox and Friends. “So I served under his term. Also, President Obama’s term. Of course, President Trump’s term.” Greenwood’s song is regularly played at Trump campaign rallies. “And then as you know he used my song “God Bless the…

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Remembering Don Jacoby

Jake is gone but not forgotten by many of us in the trumpet world who were fortunate enough to have known him. If you are interested in his background and accomplishments, I highly recommend Clint “Pops” Mc Laughlin’s site . If you are interested in what Jake was really like, I can share two stories which might give you some insight into the real Don Jacoby. When first locating yourself in a new area, it is to your advantage to make contact with one of the more active players in order for them to help you get work. This is…

5 Areas Where Most Trumpet Players Go Wrong- #5 “Fingering”

Some may ask, “What could go wrong when fingering? You push the valves down and they come back up. Although this statement is very true, improper fingering or inadequate practice of fingering can lead to several playing faults. Here are a few bad habits and voids when practicing to improve your fingering I have observed through several decades as a trumpet teacher. 1. Valves go down too slow Many players equate slow tempi with slow valve action. WRONG! As Doc Severinsen has always stressed; “Bang the valves down at all times”. As Don “Jake” Jacoby always said, “Bang the valves…

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5 Areas Where Most Trumpet Players Go Wrong- #2 Air

5 Areas Where Most Trumpet Players Go Wrong- #2 Air Why is such a simple function of the body so difficult to understand? Why are there so many hypotheses on how the respiratory system works? Why do trumpet players hold this simple “in / out” process so high in importance? Why are most teachers of the trumpet wrong in what they are teaching? “Breathing is as simple as breathing in and breathing out”. To illustrate some of these grossly incorrect ideas, I will list just a few that I have heard from brass instructors through the years. “First fill your…

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Remembering Don Jacoby….again

Throughout our lives, we sometimes think back to people who have influenced our lives. Such is my case when remembering one of my favorite trumpet teachers, Mr. Don Jacoby (or just “Jake” to the trumpet world). It was a trumpet custom while attending North Texas State (now University of North Texas) to study with Mr. John Haynie on campus for your degree and at the same time study with Jake in Dallas for making contacts in the area. Both teachers were exceptional players as well as teachers and each excelled in his own area; Jake in commercial playing and Mr.…